Now Wal-Mart Has Gone and Done It! New Releases No Longer on Sale!

For the past two weeks Walmart has really, really pissed me off. I stopped by on Tuesday the October 31st to pick up a copy of Spider-man 3. That was the release date and they advertise the newest releases at unbeatable prices or something like that. But it is a big ole lie. I grabbed Spidey off the shelf and headed to the check out. Got there and it rang up at full price! It is always on sale on release week. So I left the DVD at the checkout assuming they forgot to mark it down because they were too busy with their Halloween parade the store was having that night. What a nightmare!

So I called around [there are three other Wal-marts and a Target in the area]. It was on sale every where except that one Wal-mart. So I went the next night and got it for the $14.99 I was expecting to get it for the night before.

I made the mistake of heading to the same Wal-mart the next week for the November 6th release of Ratatouille. And once again this particular Wal-Mart did not have the new releases on sale any longer. WTF? I had my niece with my and I was going to buy two. I asked her if she minded waiting and I would buy them somewhere else on sale. Heck ten bucks is ten bucks. She said it was okay so we left the DVDs sit on the shelf. But this time [as they weren’t doing anything] I asked whether or not the new releases were on sale any more. He said, “Corporate decided they did not have to have them on sale any more since they don’t have any local competition.” Hello! There is a blockbuster next door and 3 more Wal-marts within twenty minutes of the place. Doesn’t this almost smack of price gouging when every other store including other Wal-marts offer a discount the first week a movie is released? Just because there is not another store within 5 minutes of them does not mean they should gouge us for the extra ten dollars on an item being sold in other Walmart stores at a discounted price.

Well I know I will not be buying my DVDs from that particular Wal-mart any more. Most likely I won’t even bother stopping there for anything any longer. I hope they will see a drastic drop in new release sales [I am sure they probably already did]. Guess I will head to Target next week for the release of Shrek 3!




