Day: May 4, 2008

  • Me and You Like Rubber and Glue

    Last weeks episode of The Big Bang Theory had Sheldon arguing with Leslie Winkel. His response to her insult follows. I just loved it. Sheldon: Yes, well, I am polymerized tree sap and you’re an inorganic adhesive. So whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns in its original trajectory and…

  • Roxiticus Best Blogs: A Blog About Blogs

    In the vast blogosphere it is easy to get lost. Sometimes you just need a helpful friend to point you in the right direction. Or at the very least help suggest some good places to start. A really good jumping off place is Roxiticus Best Blogs. This is pretty much a blog about blogs and…

  • May the Fourth Be With You – Happy Star Wars Day

    Today, May 4th, is often referred to as Star Wars Day. I just got an email from wishing me a Happy Star Wars Day and it included a link to download a free PDF version of the book Star Wars Legacy of the Force: Betrayal by Aaron Allston. You need to download the book…