Day: May 17, 2008

  • What Are These Naked Guys Doing

    Naked headless star trek toys! Hey, what do you think these two are saying? Leave a comment with your conversation for naked, headless Captain Kirk and Klingon.

  • New Site to Meet People: Crush or Flush

    Crush or Flush is a mash up of an online social network (myspace, facebook, etc) and a hook up hotline. An innovative way to meet people that’s for sure. You sign up for Crush or Flush with you cell phone number. You can use the system online or your phone. Simply review profiles and choose…

  • Surpisingly Good Morning After A Hellish Day

    As you can see I am up and posting this morning. This is a good thing trust me. In the past when I would get as upset as I did yesterday I would not have felt like doing anything for days. I would have spiraled down into a pit of depression so deep I would…

  • Personal Loan Is That The Answer For Me

    Well, as you can tell by my post yesterday things at work are not the best and haven’t been for quite sometime. Besides all the personal issues I have there I am also struggling financially. The cost of me just going to work has almost tripled over the past year! The commute is eventually going…

  • Incubus Dreams an Anita Blake Story

    [amazon_link id=”0515139750″ target=”_blank” ]Incubus Dreams[/amazon_link] is the twelfth book in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K Hamilton. Sticking with the formula that she knows well this story is full of vampire sex and murder. Although this particular story seems to be more sex than mystery, but it does eventually get back to the…