Boris Helping Me Recuperate from the Accident

I promised pictures of Boris helping me with my recuperating process. I have several to post but wanted to show you a little video of him helping me with my breathing exercises. Now remember this is a cat who usually ignores humans that are sitting around. If you are standing or walking he will be right under you or want to be carried, but sitting down he wants nothing to do with you. Ever since the accident he has been a little friendlier even getting on my lap at times. Granted once he is up there he usually has no idea what he should be doing just knows he should be up there making me feel better. Then he settles down right next to me. This is also not a usual practice for this cat. Enough rambling here is the video of this elusive guy up on my lap wondering what the heck I am doing.



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One response to “Boris Helping Me Recuperate from the Accident”

  1. […] One night Boris jumped up next to me on the sofa to check on me. He has a great way of knowing something is wrong and being there to take care of me. […]