Christmas Day with Mom

Christmas day we had a feast waiting for us prepared by Mom and Dad. We had both ham and turkey with stuffing and all the fixings. As usual everything was delicious. My mom knows how to cook (and how to tell my dad what to do to make her delicious meals — he has been her go to guy ever since she has been pretty much wheelchair bound).

After lunch we played a game of Yatzee before Beth and I had to head out to her Mom’s. I am not one for sharing the holidays I always want to stick around and spend time with my family (even if it is only sitting around in front of the TV and falling asleep), but I cannot be selfish.

We had a great time. Mom was all smiles and laughs. She seemed not only in good spirits but also good health; she was feeling good.

We had good time at Beth’s Mom’s with snacks (boy I wish I could still eat shrimp). We exchanged our gifts then headed home around 7 or 8 (sorry I don’t honestly remember when we left, but we stayed and had a good time with them before heading home to the kitties).






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