Month: February 2009

  • Samuel L. Jackson is Nick Fury

    Remember the end of Ironman? We got a glimpse of SHIELD agent Nick Fury played by Samuel L Jackson. The geek in all of us LOVED the idea and assumed it was a sign of things to come. Apparently, it wasn’t and no deal was in place between Mr. Jackson and Marvel (at least that…

  • Pet Cemetery Makes It To Top Ten Places of Rest List

    The Hartsdale Pet Cemetery near New York City has made it to the Top 10 Places of Rest list “alongside the Taj Mahal in India and the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt” according to ZooToo Pet News website. Lonely Planet published the list in their book 2009 Best of Travel (I assume it is…

  • I Hate Browser Incompatibility

    It started out earlier today when my IE6 (I haven’t moved to 7 at work yet as I hate it at home so I tried to keep work from being faced with the same idiotic browsing issues I have here at home) when I got this weird error that the site I was working on…

  • I Want It Wednesday: Life-sized Captains Chair

    Boy would I love one of these for my collection, but at around two grand I cannot foresee ever having one. Noting in my Star Trek collection has cost me more than $200. I just can’t bring myself to spend that kind of money on a collectible. (funny though I spent that on my other…

  • Name the 50 Aliens on This Shirt

    I had so much fun with my friends trying to figure out the 51 Robots on my other Chop Shop t-shirt that I thought I would do the same here with the 50 Aliens shirt. (Both of which are highly recommended by me as being both uber cool and uber geeky.) Here’s what I got…

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

    Who knew that the game of rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock shown on the Big Bang Theory was and actual game? Not I. I found out the other day while poking around they made a t-shirt (which is pretty cool in its own right) and they linked to the guy who came up with…

  • Geeks Need Love Too

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Guess what? Even Trekkies are loved. Why not show the world? I am getting everyone I know one of these shirts so they can proudly tell the world “I LUV A TREKKIE”. Why don’t you run and get yourself one too? The I Heart (luv) a Trekkie t-shirt is available at…

  • Chasing Dogs on the Highway

    I spent a good part of my morning trying to save some dogs on the highway again! This is the second time in like 2 or 3 months. This time it was on the other end of 176. All of the sudden the traffic came to a screeching halt and I saw two dogs running…

  • Animated Star Trek – One Red Shirt, To Go

    Here is a fun little animation for you all with two of my favorite subjects Star Trek and Red Shirts 🙂 One Red Shirt, To Go Like it? Create your own at It’s free and fun!

  • Can You Name All 51 Robots

    The reason I ask is because I can’t. I can get the majority of them but need help with the rest. Please comment below with your answers. As you can see I am only a few short of getting all 51 robots named. Your help is appreciated. Thanks!  Astro Boy Marvin – Hitchhikers Guide to…

  • Win Stuff from The Veronicas

    The Veronicas text challenge is more than just a contest to win cool autographed items from this great new band it is all for a good cause. The more text messages they get the more money they will donate to Wildlife Warriors (helps to protect all those poisonous species in Australia, not really, it is…

  • Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

    This was one of those weird films that for some odd reason I really liked. But I never new there were so many sequels to it. Apparently there is going to be a remake of the movie in 2009 and there was a comic book adaptation of the film released last year. Here’s what I…