Month: April 2009

  • Target Pharmacy Closed in Middle of Day

    Target pharmacy has pissed me off. These days that is real easy to do (not that it isn’t pretty easy any old time, just more so now). Target no longer calls their customers — well, customers. They call them guests instead. I think it is to foster a better image, but it doesn’t work. All…

  • I Want It Wednesday: Star Trek Wall Murals

    I have been telling FatHead for years that they needed to make Star Trek wall stickers. I even contacted the cardboard people to see if they were going to do them (they let their license go a bout two years ago and I bet they are kicking themselves now). Roommates has picked up the slack…

  • RAID Doesn’t Kill Just Bugs; Keep Away From Cats

    Wired magazine had an article a little while back that caught my eye, it was titled “Kills Bugs Dead, And Cats Too.” The article tells us what’s inside RAID. If you are a cat owner like me, you will be removing this dangerous substance from your home. I absolutely hate spiders and relied on RAID…

  • Kitties Playing with the Panic Mouse Cat Toy

    Today after coming home from a long hard morning of shopping (we went to the Black Creek Greenhouse to get loverly flowers since it was such a loverly day) the kitty cats and I sat down to have some fun with the Panic Mouse cat toy. It is a pretty funny toy that they all…

  • I Want It Wednesday: Customized Star Trek Posters

    Just found this site – – where you can customize posters and cards. The best part for me is the Star Trek posters. I gots to go make me some!

  • Boris and the Mouse in the House Cat Toy

    Quite a while ago I got my kitty cat, Boris, a really cool cat toy from called the Mouse in the House. This is an automatic cat toy that will entertain your kitty while you are away from home and even while you are home with him. A little mouse runs around a little…

  • Equals Censorship and Discrimination

    I found out today that has started de-ranking what they deem to be adult content. Funny thing about that though is that the only thing that Amazon seem to be flagging as adult content is gay and lesbian themed books. They are stripping these books of their sales rankings within Amazon so as to…

  • Go Trek Yourself Part 2

    After making the me as a Vulcan I had to try the others (and I will look for a better picture of myself to do more later). Here I am being the best human possible 🙂

  • Go Trek Yourself

    Cheez-it gives us all a chance to turn ourselves into a Star Trek character online. Why not head on over and go ahead and Trek Yourself too? I started out as the Vulcan, which I liked, but I had to try others.