I Want It Wednesday: Life-sized Captains Chair

Captains ChairBoy would I love one of these for my collection, but at around two grand I cannot foresee ever having one. Noting in my Star Trek collection has cost me more than $200. I just can’t bring myself to spend that kind of money on a collectible. (funny though I spent that on my other hobby, photography, when I bought my first digital SLR)

I will just have to continue under the impression that it is really uncomfortable (most likely not), would NEVER make me feel like a starship captain (fat chance on that, it would be SO COOL) and there is no where I could fit it in the house (duh, throw out the sofa!) Okay, so I have convinced myself (NOT) that I don’t want or need this splendid, life-sized, original series Captain’s chair to act out my Captain Kirk fantasies.

Besides if I had this where would I get the green alien girls from?

Since these are limited and I don’t seem to be able to get me one, why not head over to EE and pre-order a Captain’s Chair for yourself (and make me EXTREMELY jealous in the process)?



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