This is the second book from this author that I have read. At first I thought this one was heading in a better direction. I was deceived. The plot is so convoluted it begins to get tiresome. The grammar and editorial errors throughout are no better that the first book I read. Half the time it seems like she is using predictive text to write the sentences as they having no meaning or are just confusing.
Half way through I nearly put the book down never to pick it up again. First, the over use of the word nevertheless was painful, but not the reason for my discontentment. That was the author’s use of similar names once again which caused confusion in the other book for me. However, this time this caused confusion for her too. She actually uses the wrong name throughout three chapters. Perhaps a character outline is needed so you don’t mix up the characters. Just saying.
I had already wasted enough time on this one that, but I felt I should stick it out to find out what was going on with this plot twist others spoke of in their reviews. Well it isn’t something you can’t spot from a mile away so no real shocker moments there.
Then all of the sudden you’re at the end (okay I skimmed a lot of chapters by this point because I saw no real reason to be thorough as I had stopped highlighting the editorial issues) and nothing is wrapped up and nothing makes sense. I wasted so much time on this book. I am filled with that same feeling you get when you walk out of a bad movie and want to ask not only for your money back but the two hours of your life you’ll never get back. Same feeling.
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