How Hard is it to Turn on That Turn Signal

Turn signals, know what they are? Seems most people on the road these days have forgotten. Just a little reminder folks the turn signal is the lever on the left-hand side of your steering wheel that moves up and down. It turns on the flashing lights on either side of the car.

Lights that are to be used to signal other drivers of your intent to make a turn, change lanes or even merge, I believe you were instructed on how to use them when learning how to drive, but some where along the way apparently the world forgot how to use them.

The worst offenders are the people who need to warn us the most. I swear I am witness to at least five or six aggressive drivers weaving in and out of traffic, crossing over three lines lanes, or abruptly turning all without a turn signal. Maybe these people should all be given warning signs for their cars so we know what to expect. I am sure there is a store out there somewhere with an Aggressive Driver On Board sign.

Nothing like getting cut off by a jerk that doesn’t use his turn signal. A little heads up that you want my spot on the roadway would be nice.

I was cut off today by a Gertrude Hawk’s chocolate truck, not only are their drivers sucky so are their chocolates.

Okay, that is a little harsh. Their Chocolates are fine, but when you compare them to Asher’s Chocolates Asher’s wins hands down.



