Blue is the Warmest Color

Blue Is the Warmest ColorFinally got to read the graphic novel that the graphic movie is based on. So this post will be a review of both the movie and graphic novel.

Obviously, I saw the movie first, if I am just now reading the comic. While I found it okay, it wasn’t the greatest film out there. It got a lot of coverage simply because of the seven minute love scene in the film. Sadly, that scene is about 6 minutes too long. It is one of a few films where the actors engage in real sex on screen that is not labeled as porn. But it isn’t a good film and the sex is not good sex. There is no chemistry between the two actresses and that comes across in the entire film not just the sex scene.

So I went back and watched the film again (yay for Netflix because I did not want to have to buy nor rent it again), and I was right in my initial thoughts that is veers from the book drastically. I have to state again that the story in the book is so much better than the movie. Even the sex scene is better in the book. Yes, I said it. Comic book sex is better than on screen sex. To think I wasn’t even going to bother with this book because the movie was so bad. Glad to have read it in spite of the theatrical version.

So, if you have heard about Blue is the Warmest Color but haven’t taken the plunge yet, I suggest the original graphic novel instead of the movie. But if you are a glutton for punishment, at least read the book before watch the movie. I mean reading the movie (it is in French with English subtitles after all).

Also, if like me you borrow the book from your library read the Kindle or PDF version and not the online version. For some reason the online version has the text formatted weird and it runs out of the speech bubbles and into the images making it hard to read.

Movie rating 2 out of 5 stars.
Book rating 3.5 out of 5 stars.



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