Chasing Dogs on the Highway

I spent a good part of my morning trying to save some dogs on the highway again! This is the second time in like 2 or 3 months. This time it was on the other end of 176. All of the sudden the traffic came to a screeching halt and I saw two dogs running back across the highway after almost being hit by a truck (who apparently couldn’t care less if he hit the dogs or not).

Three of us stopped and tried to save the scared pups. One was a st. bernard and the other a shepherd mix. We got them off the road but they wouldn’t come to anyone. They finally went through a hole in the fence and ran up through the woods.

There are two things I would like to see happen. 1) People would take better care with there animals and know where they are and 2) people on the roads would be a little cautious around animals no matter if it is a skunk, a deer or a dog.






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