Earthquakes, Conferences, Hurricanes and Blackouts Oh My

This week has been very (and I mean VERY) trying.

We had a frickin’ earthquake.

Granted not a big one but we don’t get those very often in Pennsylvania. I also did not like the fact that the quake’s epicenter was very close to where I was headed in Virginia for the BlogPaws conference. So while I am all concerned about the earthquake along comes hurricane Irene up the coast at us.

So I had to leave the conference to get home ahead of the bad weather. (Made me a very sad camper.)

Then when I get home I start charging everything because I know we will lose electric once the storms start.

Nailed that one. Blackout.

Thank goodness I got to see the new Doctor Who before everything went black.

It is amazing how quiet the city gets when there is a blackout.

I had to take a cold shower this morning to go to work…that was probably the worst thing about the whole experience.





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