whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.
The Magneticat – Boris Gets a New Toy
Boris got a new toy the other day and he LOVES it! It is called the MAGNETICAT (get it magnetic cat — LOL). It has a magnet in the toy and magnets in the base so when the toy moves it keeps going for a little while to tease your cat back to it for…
Violent Video Games: To Ban or Not To Ban
I was just over at SheSpeaks.com (trying to sign up for a product test) when I stumbled onto their blog post about this video game that even I think is rather disgusting (coming from me that means a lot). Mind you, I am not one for censorship, but this game pushes the envelope (even my…
I Want It Wednesday: Complete Control of MY Facebook Content
Last month (Feb 4th) Facebook changed their terms of service to state that users content would be stored, not unlike email, and, here’s the kicker, that Facebook had rights to your content. So by uploading images, videos, stories etc you were giving Facebook rights to use your content in any way they saw fit. If…
CBS Celebrates Twilight Zones 50th B-Day By Hocking Merchandise
CBS announces new licensing agreements to hock Twilight Zone merchandise inlcuding a US postage stamp (probably the reason stamps are going up to 44 cents in May). Other products will include games, dolls and Hallmark ornaments. So I guess the new Star Trek film isn’t the only thing CBS is whoring out.
Stupid Laws: Shovel Snow Off The Grass
Our friends Gary and Faith were fined because they did not shovel their grass! Can you believe that? When I first heard about this from my friend Scott I thought it was the stupidest thing in the entire world then I saw the news tonight and I changed my position. Now I think the mayor…
Marvel and DC Comics Mixing It Up
So I was over on Marvel.com checking for information on upcoming Marvel movies and the ad running on almost ALL pages was an ad for the new DC Comics animated Wonder Woman movie (I will of course be getting this film when it comes out on Tuesday). But why is it popping up on Marvel.com?…
The Star Trek Experience Will Be Returning to Vegas
So I guess it is true that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, sort of. Last Fall the Star Trek Experience, which I NEVER got to go to, closed its doors. Bummer not only for me but tons of Trekkies every where. Well good news all you geeks out there Star Trek The Experience…
Samuel L. Jackson is Nick Fury
Remember the end of Ironman? We got a glimpse of SHIELD agent Nick Fury played by Samuel L Jackson. The geek in all of us LOVED the idea and assumed it was a sign of things to come. Apparently, it wasn’t and no deal was in place between Mr. Jackson and Marvel (at least that…
Pet Cemetery Makes It To Top Ten Places of Rest List
The Hartsdale Pet Cemetery near New York City has made it to the Top 10 Places of Rest list “alongside the Taj Mahal in India and the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt” according to ZooToo Pet News website. Lonely Planet published the list in their book 2009 Best of Travel (I assume it is…
I Hate Browser Incompatibility
It started out earlier today when my IE6 (I haven’t moved to 7 at work yet as I hate it at home so I tried to keep work from being faced with the same idiotic browsing issues I have here at home) when I got this weird error that the site I was working on…
I Want It Wednesday: Life-sized Captains Chair
Boy would I love one of these for my collection, but at around two grand I cannot foresee ever having one. Noting in my Star Trek collection has cost me more than $200. I just can’t bring myself to spend that kind of money on a collectible. (funny though I spent that on my other…
Name the 50 Aliens on This Shirt
I had so much fun with my friends trying to figure out the 51 Robots on my other Chop Shop t-shirt that I thought I would do the same here with the 50 Aliens shirt. (Both of which are highly recommended by me as being both uber cool and uber geeky.) Here’s what I got…
Got any movie recommendations?