whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

    Who knew that the game of rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock shown on the Big Bang Theory was and actual game? Not I. I found out the other day while poking around ThinkGeek.com they made a t-shirt (which is pretty cool in its own right) and they linked to the guy who came up with…

  • Geeks Need Love Too

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Guess what? Even Trekkies are loved. Why not show the world? I am getting everyone I know one of these shirts so they can proudly tell the world “I LUV A TREKKIE”. Why don’t you run and get yourself one too? The I Heart (luv) a Trekkie t-shirt is available at…

  • Chasing Dogs on the Highway

    I spent a good part of my morning trying to save some dogs on the highway again! This is the second time in like 2 or 3 months. This time it was on the other end of 176. All of the sudden the traffic came to a screeching halt and I saw two dogs running…

  • Animated Star Trek – One Red Shirt, To Go

    Here is a fun little animation for you all with two of my favorite subjects Star Trek and Red Shirts 🙂 GoAnimate.com: One Red Shirt, To Go Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It’s free and fun!

  • Can You Name All 51 Robots

    The reason I ask is because I can’t. I can get the majority of them but need help with the rest. Please comment below with your answers. As you can see I am only a few short of getting all 51 robots named. Your help is appreciated. Thanks!  Astro Boy Marvin – Hitchhikers Guide to…

  • Win Stuff from The Veronicas

    The Veronicas text challenge is more than just a contest to win cool autographed items from this great new band it is all for a good cause. The more text messages they get the more money they will donate to Wildlife Warriors (helps to protect all those poisonous species in Australia, not really, it is…

  • Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

    This was one of those weird films that for some odd reason I really liked. But I never new there were so many sequels to it. Apparently there is going to be a remake of the movie in 2009 and there was a comic book adaptation of the film released last year. Here’s what I…

  • I Want It Wednesday: weRobot T-Shirt

    So often my “Want It” posts are for things that are completely out of reach for me, but today’s post is something I will be getting. After viewing Monday’s Big Bang Theory I had to go on a search for the t-shirt that Sheldon was wearing. My search brought me to a cool website (Chop…

  • Will Real Levar Burton Please Stand Up

    I recently signed up for Twitter after hearing about it for a rather long time from all my techno geek friends. (You’ll see whataslacker’s Tweets over there on the bottom of the right-hand column there.) Basically it is micro blogging at its best. You type a 140-character post, or tweet, and it goes out to…

  • Cool Japanese Monster Shirt

    Tonight’s Big Bang Theory had Sheldon wearing yet another way cool t-shirt. This time it was a cool Godzilla monster silhouette shirt from the folks over at Super7. I will so be getting one of those. But while I call myself a fan I don’t know if I can name all of the monsters pictured…

  • Happy Groundhogs Day or not

    That darned rodent saw his shadow so we are stuck with 6 more weeks of winter. I know it is six weeks no matter what, but it just sounds nicer to hear 6 weeks until spring. It just warms me up inside. Winter just makes me cold all over. Even the thought of it does.…

  • Steelers Fans Are Ready

    So as not to break any NFL rules I will refrain from posting any pictures or writing any descriptions of the game (what a load of crap that is). But I will post pictures of my little super bowl party (alright so it isn’t a party in any sense of the word party — more…

Got any movie recommendations?