whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.
Hospital Horrors
I had to go to the hospital for tests (more ultrasounds on my legs because of the accident) the Friday after mom’s funeral. It was hard enough going back into a hospital only days after my mother just died in one, but given the reception (or lack there of) at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Reading…
Happy New Year
Not too sure how happy this year will be but since 2008 ended so badly 2009 should be better. I hope. Here’s wishing everyone else a great new year. I am sitting here watching Bugs Bunny and trying to remember better times. So far I got to see some of my favorites like the little…
Mom’s Funeral Service
We got to the church early, but Mom’s oldest sister had already beat us there. I asked the service director to take photos of the flowers but could not bring myself to take them or to have him take any of Mom. (I know this is odd coming from someone, whose family, Dad’s side, does…
Tonights the Family Viewing
I woke up feeling worse and with white spots in the back of my throat so I called the doctor and made an appointment, even though my preferred physician was not available. They did a culture and I was told I did not have strep throat. Good not contagious. But I did have to go…
Funeral Planning
We met with the funeral home today, Labs Funeral Home. The folks who are running the funeral home go to our church and know mom and dad well. This was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do only hours after watching my mother die. I am glad we were there for…
Mom Passed Away Today
Like the night before I fell asleep on the sofa, but I had a little help from the vicodin I took to ward off the headache I had for the past two days of crying. Although, just like the night before I got very little sleep. I awakened with a sore throat and joked at…
Mom in Hospital Day 2
Dad and I went in to see Mom and the infectious doctor (I know that sounds like the doctor is infectious, she was a doctor of infectious diseases) came in and told us she had bacteria in her blood (pneumococcus) and the treatment would be the antibiotics she was on even if was meningitis so…
Mom Rushed to Emergency Room
Today (26th) is when it all goes horribly, horribly wrong. I got up after sleeping in to go run a few errands and then off for another leg ultrasound to see how or if my veins working. Before I head out I got a call from Pastor Charles telling me that Dad had Mom at…
Christmas Day with Mom
Christmas day we had a feast waiting for us prepared by Mom and Dad. We had both ham and turkey with stuffing and all the fixings. As usual everything was delicious. My mom knows how to cook (and how to tell my dad what to do to make her delicious meals — he has been…
Christmas Eve with Mom
We had a good Christmas together. Christmas eve the Haas side (Mom’s side) of the family (my Dad’s family are almost all in Virginia) get together for dinner and gift exchange. We have done this for as long as I can remember. We had a great time seeing all the aunts, uncles and cousins (there…
Merry Christmas One and All
I talked about my Lego trains in my post yesterday, but I did not share them with you. While I was setting up the tree and trains I had a little help as you’ll see by this photo. Remember the scene in Harry Potter where Hogwarts was attacked by the giant dragon? Me either but…
I Want It Wednesday: Peace on the Earth
Just like in Star Trek, a great big happy family on planet earth. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, Joyous Noel, Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Saturnalia and so forth and so on. To celebrate the holidays I have once again put up my Trekmas Tree. Here are a…
Got any movie recommendations?