whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.
Stupid PA Laws
Apparently Pennsylvania is trying to pass a new law that will have truckers up in arms and I am right there with them. The new laws say that no large vehicle will be able to sit and idle for more than five minutes at a time. WTF? Running the engine is the only way for…
Complete Allergy Test Results
I have been meaning to post a complete list of my allergies for my friends so they know. Up until now I have only told the some of the story. Trees: maple, elm, box elder, willow, sycamore, ash, oak, walnut, cottonwood, birch. Grasses: june, orchard, timothy, ragweed. Weeds: plaintain, cocklebur, marsh elder, pig weed, russian…
I Want It Wednesday: Zombie Plush Toy
This is one of the coolest plush toys since the Black Knight from Monty Python’s Holy Grail (which is also available at ThinkGeek). These clever geeks over at ThinkGeek made these super cuddly, scarey, creepy little Zombies that you can rip to shreds. But the best part about this product might just be their marketing…
Getting My Undies in a Bunch
The following is a complaint about the current state of my underwear. No it is not old and ratty look rather the opposite as I just bought them. I always buy Hanes underwear, Hanes hi-cut briefs to be exact. (I know TMI.) Over the past few years I have only bought their sporty briefs. They…
Stop PA Puppy Mills
You may have seen Pennsylvania on the national news (I am pretty sure Dateline, Oprah or one of the other big news magazine shows did an expose on our dirty little secret – puppy mills). PA along with other states with large Amish populations have a great number of them running a new cash crop.…
Catwoman and Big Bang Theory
I am sitting here working on my posts watching Batman: Returns and Batman and Catwoman were in the middle of a big fight scene and my thoughts immediately go to Big Bang Theory. First I said something about counting catwomen and then I lower my voice and say “I’m Batman”. If you haven’t been watching…
WTF is 31337?
It is true that you learn something new every day. (You may not know you learned and you might forget it soon after you learn, but you do.) For me today I learned what 31337 was and no it isn’t the lottery numbers. I thought I was a geek, but there is a lot of…
National Coming Out Day
In honor of National Coming Out Day (which is today by the way) I am watching Troma Films CRAZED. It is supposedly Kathy Bach (aka Daisy Dukes) only lesbian film. But like all Troma films it is totally whacked. The synopsis from the Troma Entertainment website: The Troma Team is proud to present Crazed, a…
Cool Steampunk Skeleton T-shirt
 This is one of the coolest skeleton tees I have seen in a long time (and I love the glow in the dark ones). This one is just so unique. Want to know what makes a clockwork man tick? You’ll see it with this cool shirt. Available now at your local ThinqueGeek Merchantile. ThinkGeeks ubergeek…
Steampunk Angel T-shirt
For those of us looking for a really unique steampunk costume for Halloween, but do not have the funds to buy all that fancy Victorian clothing ThinkGeek has come up with a few simple solutions for us. First up is the steampunk angel tee with glorious clockwork wings on the back (which can later be…
I Want It Wednesday: Zombie Protest Tee
It is that time of year again when everything turns creepy. For all those Zombies out there who aren’t getting the treatment they deserve here’s the t-shirt for you. Tell them like it is (or was). Zombies are were people too!
Bitching About Soy In Every Thing
Trying to live a soy free life is proving harder than one would think. Soy is one of the nine top recognized allergens. So why is it being used in everything? We stopped peanuts in schools and California makes laws against restaurants using Trans fats, but no one seems to care that we are basically…
Got any movie recommendations?