whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.
Buffy The Animated Series Mini Pilot Loose on the Net
A few years ago I first wrote about the possibility of an animated version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer over at ScifiSlacker.com and much like the ill-fated animated Star Trek they teased me with as well was never to be. After fours year one gives up hope that anything will ever happen. The one day…
Label Your Life
It is getting to be that time of year again. Time to go back-to-school. I live with a teacher so even though I don’t have to head back to school myself I get all those old feelings stirred up every year as this time of year rolls around. For teachers the school year has technically…
Comcast Is Taking Me For A Ride
Comcast is so ticking me off again. They splash advertisements all over the place trying to get you to sign up for their triple play program (TV, internet and phone) by enticing you with a free gift. Last month it was a Wii, the month before that a TV this month it is a years…
Get Off Your Butt And Fight Alzheimers
The Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s Memory Walk is coming up soon. It is a 2 to 3 mile walk for people of all ages to fight against this horrible disease. This is a cause, which has unfortunately touched the lives of my family. My grandmother, my dad’s mom, was diagnosed several years ago. Alzheimer’s not only takes…
Big Kitty – Is This Picture A Fake
I was poking around over at YouSayToo.com and I came across this post about a big pussy (of course they wanted to get all the folks with their minds in the gutter to click thu to the post). When I got there and saw this picture my immediate thought was that it had to be…
I Want It Wednesday: Life-sized B9 Robot
Even though this life-sized replica of the Lost In Space robot (also known as the B9 robot) is half the price of the Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet he is still $25,000 more than I have to spend on a giant toy. Although I would love to have him. B9 is not just a…
Make Money Using Others Sites
I just stumbled on this site that lets you make money simply by using their website. YouSayToo.com Sign up, write your blog posts and reap the benefits of their adds. The more popular your content the more money you make. Might be a nice side blogging opportnity for some. at least it is worth a…
New Microsoft Products Suck
I was just reviewing my website stats and it looks like 70% of the people are still using Windows XP instead of Windows Vista. Could it be Vista sucks? Vista is pretty much the updated crap of Windows ME. Remeber ME? Yeah well, don’t feel bad not too many people do except those poor folk…
Bigfoot Found – Real or Hoax
Well, I have been out of the loop a bit on my cryptozoology circles. I did not even hear that a Bigfoot body was found until my sister told me about it yesterday. I tend to stay away from watching news and reading papers. Most of what I hear is from online news sources and…
Star Wars Clone Wars Outdoors
Went to see the animated movie Star Wars: The Clone Wars at a drive in theater last night. The film was okay, better than I expected. The concession stand was selling generic LED light swords (light sabers). They were kid of cool. No wonder they sold quite a few. Watching the kids playing with them…
Teleporter Not Working
If the film The Fly wasn’t proof enough here is another good example why a teleporter will never work. (Besides that whole scanning-you-in-one-place-rebuilding-you-in-another-then-vaporizing-the-original-you thing.) more cat pictures
LOL Cats
Whether you love the or hate them there is no avoiding the LOL Cats and there fuzzy friends over at ICanHasCheezburger.com. while the photos often speak for themselves so do the cats (and in a very strange LOL language to boot). Here are some recent fun ones…. more cat pictures more cat pictures You can…
Got any movie recommendations?