whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.

  • By Our Powers Combined, We Can Save the Planet

    Earth Day is coming up [tomorrow, but you should think of every day as earth day] and it seems like all my TV stations have been going green of late. Well at least for the last week or two any way. They are all changing their station ID bugs [you know those stupid little logos…

  • Tax Day Sucks

    As so many Albright students have informed me in the past couple of months the city of Reading sucks. [Why they don’t Google that fact before coming to school in this city is beyond me. Guess they would rather come here and bitch about the city than do a little research about a place they…

  • My Dog Has Fleas

    Okay, so I don’t have a dog, but I do have nefew and niece dogs not to mention friends with dogs too. I came across this very cute flea dog toy and I just had to get it for my favorite little white poodle fondly known has Pooper Scooper [his real name is PC aka…

  • Just Like Dogs Onions Are Bad For Cats Too

    While I wasn’t able to find a definitive answer to my question from a vet or pet site. That question being: Are onions bad for cats? I was able to find a very knowledgeable and friendly online group [Cats and Kittens Yahoo Group] that confirmed for me that my suspicions were correct. Onions are indeed just…

  • April Fools Day

    Well another April Fools Day has come and gone without anything significant happening to me. I never pull anything off myself, but I usually get hit. Or the very least someone tries something. I don’t watch the news or read the paper [not even a blog on a daily basis] so I was in the…

  • It Has to Be Me

    I know it has got to be me. I know I am a bit of a bitch most of the time, but come on. I called my doctor’s office again for an easy task. One they have performed on many occasions. I just needed a new referal for my allergy doctors so my insurance would…

  • Another Mangled Mailing

    What is it with me and getting Star Trek stuff in the mail? Or is it just anything via mail order these days? I just received my copy of Brent Spiners new CD Dreamland. Well actually I just received my second copy of this disc. My first one came to me a bit mangled and…

  • Lost My Shit by Liz Martelli

    I lost my shit tonight On the floor in the middle of the Pleasantville Inn I woke up in the hands of strangers Worried and concerned And they didn’t even know me. Compassion transcends this awkward Situation, I guess. Me, regaining consciousness, Cracking jokes flat on my back Amber, terrified, whiter than A bottle of…

  • By Any Other Name by Liz Martelli

    By any other name, I’d still be a writer It’s in my heart, my blood, my fingers Nouns and adjectives, metaphors And similes pound through my veins. The way some kids get math, I get writing The way some cats can pick up a guitar And just know what to do, I can wield a…

  • Untitled by Liz Martelli

    You never learn to be a good person You either are or you aren’t Always born with an old soul, Recycled and wise, Able to detect the same in others, We are a rare breed Prone to mental, emotional strife Prone to feeling too deeply, Drowning in it You can’t let it overwhelm you, This…

  • The Thick of It by Liz Martelli

    In the thick of it, It’s too dense to make Out the mistakes before You commit to them But there’s always an out, A loophole you can slip Through when shit Gets rough. In the thick of it, The blur that is It happening Can be indistinguishable From the general static and Hum of the…

  • Me and I by Liz Martelli

    My father and i are close at arm’s length He tells me I embarrass him Because I wobbled off the Straight and narrow, Refused to bleat with the Rest of the white sheep, And became black. My mother and I have Always been too close Too close encouraging a bond That if broken, could kill…

Got any movie recommendations?