whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.

  • rabbit scratching by Liz Martelli

    This rabbit beating heart pupils so dilated they absorb the world around them so accurately, so acutely so much it hurts. My heart is so swollen with a passionate taste For love A thirst for companionship and lust and sex and philosophical, spiritual, emotional Fulfillment. This rabbit beating heart is strong like hawaiian waves comes…

  • A Prayer by Liz Martelli

     “May love always find you on your feet and when you walk alone may I always be a pesky moth batting around in the cage of your skull hurling myself at your light.”  posted may 29, 2007 on her myspace page

  • A Tattoo for Mom by Liz Martelli

    This is not what my mother had dreamed for me 9 to 5 in retail still living at home my fiance in jail but i’m happy and i think i’m okay in fact i know i am i am my mother’s worry as big dutch once drew a tattoo for mom “mother’s worry;” what i…

  • DJ Fiction by Liz Martelli

    He spins poetry short fiction like a DJ spinning mixes Sampling from his memory single-note bassline looped in a continuous drone like a recurring theme In every cracked-spine novel tattered beat poem is a new blood drum thumping fingers clicking the alphabet keys deftly scratching the worn-out 33 Spinning lyrical melodies in run-ons and fragments…

  • Rabbits by Liz Martelli

     I make mistakes the way rabbits breed I keep bad company the way some men keep bees Bleed the rabbit and soak the skin tell me I’m not lyin’ Mr. Rabbit tell me how you boil so well under a skillet sun Mr. Rabbit tell me you’re not lucky. 130 days and some change I…

  • Medical Care and Compassion Should Go Hand in Hand

    Why aren’t people in the medical field more compassionate? When people are sick they need to feel some compassion from the people they are entrusting to make them well again. My mom had some bad experiences when she had her recent stay in the hospital and so did I after my auto accident. Just today…

  • More Star Trek Handheld Games

    After coming across the Coleco Star Trek game on the Handheld Games Museum I decided to poke around and see what other Star Trek games they had listed and which ones I did not know about. Here is what I found…          Milton Bradley Microvison Star Trek Phaser Strike Collins Wrath of Khan…

  • Star Trek Handheld That Never Was

    I just stumbled onto a Star Trek Toy I had never heard of before. While this is not a very surprising statement to many people, I pride myself in knowing quite a bit about Star Trek collectibles. After all I have been collecting the stuff for nearly twenty years now. I am far from an…

  • Liz Martelli You Will Be Missed

    Two days ago a young girl in our neighborhood died in a car accident. She was only 24. Only a few years older than my niece. While I may not have personally known her I do remember hearing about her from my friend who was her art teacher in middle school and about how talented…

  • Yummy Peanut Butter Meltaways

    My all time favorite candy is the peanut butter meltaway. I try not to eat them very often because I am allergic to peanuts, but since the allergy is not a sever one yet I do indulge every once in a while. Way back in the 80’s I used to love Gardner’s Candies PB Meltaway.…

  • One-car Crash Kills Reading Woman

    A Reading woman was killed Saturday morning when she lost control of her car on Route 30 in Hellam Township. Elizabeth Martelli was westbound on Route 30 when she drove off the road between 6 and 7 a.m. and flipped into a cornfield about a mile east of the Hellam exit, York County Deputy Coroner…

  • Speak Clearly and Speak English When Ordering

    Geno’s Steaks in Philadelphia has a sign out front that says, “This is America please speak English when ordering”. The city of Philadelphia was trying to make the owner, Joey Vento remove the sign. Personally, I feel it is his business and he has every right to expect his customers to order in a way…

Got any movie recommendations?