whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.

  • Boris Helping Me Recuperate from the Accident

    I promised pictures of Boris helping me with my recuperating process. I have several to post but wanted to show you a little video of him helping me with my breathing exercises. Now remember this is a cat who usually ignores humans that are sitting around. If you are standing or walking he will be…

  • Warning to Accident Victims

    If you are the victim of an automobile accident in the state of Pennsylvania do not go to CVS pharmacy to get your prescriptions filled. They will fill your prescriptions. I found this out the hard way. Last night when I took my prescription in and asked if they could bill my auto insurance due…

  • Can We Start Testing Drivers Please

    Coming home tonight I was cut off yet again. A few days ago a big black Dodge pickup tried to share my lane with me. I was in the passing lane trying to go around him. Guess I did not go fast enough and perhaps I was in his blind spot. I don’t know. All…

  • Idiot Behind the Wheel on Hampden Blvd.

    I was on my way to work this morning when an impatient jerk just couldn’t wait for me to pass before coming across the road. I was driving the speed limit maybe even a little faster, which is 35 mph on that part of the road, she would not have had to wait more than…

  • Indian Jones LEGO Sets Are Here

    Indian Jones LEGO sets have hit the shelves. In fact I found them at Toys R Us a few weeks before Christmas. They had them even before the LEGO store had them online. These are pretty cool. I like that LEGO has been jumping on some good properties since they started licensing sets. I don’t…

  • Traffic Nightmares Continue

    Around seven o’clock I was driving down route 176 to go to my doctor to see why my hand is still hurting me. When I come across this ratty old pickup truck full of junk. The crap in the back of the truck wasn’t secured and certainly did not look safe. I have always had…

  • Terror on the Highway

    Two massive stone haulers ganged up on me as I drove to work. It started as I entered the turnpike. As I pulled out of the tollbooth I wound up behind a slow moving car. The first dump truck flew up along side me and beeped at me because I was in his way. Well…

  • Take the Phone Away From Your Ear and Pay Attention

    Get off the freaking phone people! Why do people think their phone conversations are more important than their own safety and the safety of others? The dangers are everywhere from people driving while talking to walking out in front of moving vehicles. Many states have already made it illegal to use your cell while driving.…

  • Give Google Your Knowledge

    Google is trying to take over the wikipedia market with their new Google KNOL [unit of knowledge] site. The new site seems to be a cross between wikipedia and about.com’s formats. It will contain numerous articles on topics written by experts on that topic. Unlike wikipedia the public at large will not be able to…

  • Got a Green Thumb? Got a Group? Check Out Project Orange Thumb

    I already knew Fiskars made great scissors, but I did not know they also made gardening tools too. According to their website they are offering a grant to gardening groups to help with community beautification and education. The program is called Project Orange Thumb. (Get it? It is a cross between the company’s colors black…

  • DDR Will Have You Dance Dance Dancing Your Butt Off

    Right before Christmas I called my sister from the middle of the Target store to ask her if she needed another string of purple xmas lights. She did not need the extra lights but sent me off to the video game aisle for my niece who was getting a Wii for Christmas and they wanted…

  • One Villain at a Time Please

    The new Batman film is starting to pique my interest. Finally, there is a true dark Dark Knight film. Yes, the first two Batman films were darker and edgier than the rest of the films, which I like to forget about ever existing. The trailer shows a promising story and a scary Joker. Who knew…

Got any movie recommendations?