whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.

  • Trying to Get The Shopping Done Online and Looking for Deals

    Since the accident I have pretty much been stuck in the house with nothing to do but watch television and play on my computer. There is no opportunity for me to get out and about to do my Christmas shopping this year. Thank goodness I still have time shop online. However, I am on a…

  • Accident Pictures

    Well as I have stated previously, we were in a pretty bad accident on Sunday November 25th 2007. We were coming home after running a few errands. Leaving Wal-mart of all places [but not the Wal-mart that has been pissing me off with their DVD pricing this is one with good pricing]. When all of…

  • Since the Accident We Need a Car and a Loan

    As many of your know a few weeks ago we were in an automobile accident. The accident totaled the car and nearly totaled us too. If you are like us and find yourselves in need of a new or used car before you were expecting to be no worries. There are plenty of places to…

  • Win Your Christmas Wishlist from Overstock.com

    Overstock.com has a great contest. They are currently running the “All I want for Christmas Giveaway“. Between December 3rd and the 7th you can win gifts for yourself and five of your friends from the fine folks at Overstock.com. Since my accident Christmas isn’t going to be full of presents this year. That’s for sure.…

  • Paintball an Extreme Sport That Can Be For Geeks Too

    Ever since I saw the William Shatner film Spplat Attack! I have wanted to try paintball. The film pits William Shatner’s Federation against a Klingon Team. Giving the paintball warfare strategies a geek flare. It was a big event and has even brought the world of paintball to a new shall audience, like me. There…

  • Prophetic Dreams

    Last year I had a dream about one of my exes being in a automobile accident. They were driving a late model dark SUV and were T-Boned. The SUV flipped. It was bad possibly fatal. For weeks, even months, I felt like I lost someone close to me. So I tracked down the ex after…

  • Visualize the Universe Through OpticsPlanet.com

    Literally! Take a look at the world and the universe from a whole new perspective with the help of OpticsPlanet.com. The site has it all from telescopes and binoculars to nightvision goggles and sunglasses. They really are your one stop shop to find that perfect gift for any one interested in either the macroverse or…

  • SEO and Site Submissions

    There are lots of sites out there to help you with site submissions. Most will cost you but a lot of them are free. Do a simple google search to weed them out. I just stumbled on StartRanking .com which is a slightly different model. It asks for a text link instead of payment. Believe…

  • Faces of Death

    Faces of Death Videos FACE OF DEATH – A gruesome shockumentary that looks at death experiences around the world, in uncensored film footage that offers coverage of autopsies, suicides, executions, and animal slaughter. Not for the squeamish. Volume 2 further explores graphic coverage of death experiences around the world. Not for the squeamish. Volume 3…

  • I keep getting screwed. Now it is PPP’s turn.

    If it is not the guy who decided to almost take my life on Sunday or his insurance company or my insurance company it is everyone else! Most recently it is PayPerPost. Which quite honestly is normally a great place to work with get some money from your blogs. Which quite frankly thanks to that…

  • Sweeny Todd The Best Choice for Holiday Film Goers

    At least Sweeny Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is my choice of films I must see this Christmas. And I don’t even like musicals! I love Johnny Depp. There really is not too much on his resume that I do not like. Heck it would almost be easier for me to tell you…

  • What I have Neglected to Tell You Is…

    If things appear a little out of sorts, they most likely are. Sunday the 25th of November at 11:30 am a jackass decided he could not wait 5 seconds until we passed him before he turned directly into our lane to make a left hand turn.  He was either a total idiot who thought 10…

Got any movie recommendations?