whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.

  • Don’t Be Lonely This Holiday Hook Up With Someone

    The holidays suck enough without being alone. Trying all the dating sites gets to be expensive. So why not try something new and FREE. Check out the site DateHookUp.com. They have a very easy to use site which is completely fee. Simply sign up and take a look around. I did a quick search looking…

  • Rata2y Reviewy [Ratatouille Not a Kids Cartoon]

    I just finished watching Ratatouille this morning and I have to say it was not too bad. It is not a kids cartoon as it has no real hook to keep a child’s attention. Heck, I know several adults who lost interest in the film half way through it. The story is cute and has…

  • Win a Free Tour from Trusted Tours and Attractions

    What better way to see the great city of Philadelphia than via a free tour? You can do it. All you need to do is sign up for the Trusted Tours and Attractions free newsletter and by doing so you get a chance to win a free sightseeing tour from the city of your choice.…

  • Wal-Mart Still Sucks

    I noticed that Wal-mart was having several Black Friday sales. I have no intention of ever going into the Elverson, PA Walmart again, but I was curious about whether they had the same sales the company was advertising all over the place.  I really doubt it. They are continuing to sell their new release DVDs…

  • Scanning for Gifts

    So what do you get that business guy that seems to have everything? And no room for anything? Well, guys love gadgets and a lot of gals do too. If they are on the road a lot or travel tugging along their laptop computer an accessory along those lines is always a good bet. A…

  • Black Friday Specials for Pets

    Looking for a good deal on pet toys and treats this black Friday? Well look no further. The best place on the web to save on your dog toys is DogToys.com and the same goes for cats – CatToys.com is the place to go. They are offering 20% off your order now through Monday November…

  • Holiday Greetings For Everyone

    I don’t care how you feel about the war, whether you are for it or against it. There is no reason to bully, harass or insult the fine folks who signed up to defend our country. In fact, they need to be celebrated and thanked. And that is just what several companies like The Gallery…

  • Now that’s a game I might have to get…

    The new Microsoft game Mass Effect has been banned in Singapore due to graphic content. What is that graphic content you might ask? Well, two women kissing. The game has a scene in which a human woman is kissing and caressing an alien woman. Singapore’s Media Development Authority reportedly banned it. Singapore has a ban…

  • Cool New Gothic Dating Service

    Are you looking for that mistress or mister of the night? Are you into vampires, fetishism or Goth? Is your alternative culture making it hard to find that special someone? Head on over the Darkyria.com the newest hook up spot for the lonely Goth. This is a good place for alt singles to find a…

  • What the hell was People magazine thinking?

    People magazine has named Matt Damon the sexiest man alive. So who died and moved him up the evolutionary latter to get that honor? They really must be nuts. Either that or his publicist is sleeping with someone at the magazine. Has to be that because all the money in the world couldn’t make him…

  • Ooo Free Stuff for My Blog from Ooprint.com

    I know by now you have heard of Web 2.0 but have you heard of Business Cards 2.0? No? Business cards are not just for businessmen any more. With Business cards 2.0 you get a great way to advertise your website or blog offline. Ooprint.com offers bloggers 100 free business cards to help them let…

  • Vanity Plates on Cars

    It is car registration time and that got me thinking about finally get that personalized license plate. You know for another way to express myself out on the road besides my bumper sticker and magnet. As a further way to express myself beyond my TREK “fish” and my Assimilation is not a Family Value bumper…

Got any movie recommendations?