whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.
If You Don’t Get One For Xmas Get Yourself a Digital Camera
I know the title of this post sounds pushy but you really won’t regret it. [Unless you by a super cheap one with with only one megapixel resolution that is.] I was a diehard SLR user who refused to go digital. I never thought I would be happy with the quality of a digital camera.…
Khan! The Ships are Here.
I just got my two versions of the Wrath of Khan Enterprise ships from Diamond Select Toys. Of the two the standard version is my favorite. When I got it out of the shipping box and pushed the button and heard, “KHAN!†I was hooked. I have been known to shout out KHAN! Out of…
Looking for Plastic/Acrylic Displays for My Collection
I have a huge Star Trek collection. I display the majority of it loose on shelves. This can be a huge problem when it comes to dusting to the toys, models and other collectibles. I really need a good solution to protect and better display my stuff. That’s where Potomac Display company comes in handy.…
New Releases at Wal-mart Slightly Discounted Again But Not By Much
I have to agree with a lot of folks out there Wal-Mart sucks. And I am sure I could find any number of sites to go post my bitching sessions. But I will try to contain it to my little blog here [if I can]. They just seem to keep aggravating me though. As I…
Who Knew I Would Have a Hit Recipe
I love good homemade food but I rarely cook and almost never bake. So last year when my family was putting together family cookbook / scrapbook I was having a really bad time coming up with a recipe to put on my page. We were each to create a page with our favorite recipe, photo…
I’m Just a Little Black Rain Cloud Hovering Over the Honey Tree
I love Pooh Bear. He’s all stuffed with fluff, you know? I really thought the black cloud hanging over me when going out to eat [which is not Pooh with a balloon] was slowly moving on, but it appears to have returned. A week ago we had dinner at the Red Lobster. It really was…
Vaginal Rejuvenation – Who Knew?
I often thought things like vaginal rejuvenation was just something made up for shows like The L Word or Nip/Tuck, but it is a real procedure with real benefits. After doing a little research on Drs. Moore and Miklos’ website I have found other interesting conditions woman face in regards to their genital area that…
Wal-Mart Overpriced DVD Update
I got a chance to speak to an assistant manager at the Wal-mart in question regarding the overpriced, non-discounted new release DVDs. She said she would take it up with their marketing manager and that without anyone actually telling them the price increase bothered them they would never know. What a crock. They were just…
Classic Red Ryder BB Gun Just Like Ralphie’s
One of my all time favorite holiday films is The Christmas Story. I can relate to it because all I ever wanted growing up was a BB Gun. My Grandfather eventually got me one, just like in the film. In the film all Ralphie ever asks for is a Red Ryder BB Gun and all…
Site Pal Cool Idea But Too Expensive
I received an email with one of those talking avatars – Site Pals. They are made using a service from oddcast.com. They are a pretty cool idea an animated figure [person, animal or alien] welcomes visitors to your site in your voice or someone else’s. But the lowest cost is $10/month. That is pretty steep…
Check Out Stephen King’s Latest Film – The Mist
There’s a new Stephen King film coming out, The Mist. It is about this guy and his kid who get trapped inside a store with other members of the town by a really bad fog. And there’s something in the mist that is picking them off one by one. I saw the trailer the other…
Now Wal-Mart Has Gone and Done It! New Releases No Longer on Sale!
For the past two weeks Walmart has really, really pissed me off. I stopped by on Tuesday the October 31st to pick up a copy of Spider-man 3. That was the release date and they advertise the newest releases at unbeatable prices or something like that. But it is a big ole lie. I grabbed…
Got any movie recommendations?