whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.
Police Gear, What a Riot
Whether you are an actual policeman or simply want to gear up like one you need to check out 5.11 Tactical Outdoors. 5.11 Tactical Outdoors is a subsidiary of LA Police Gear, Inc so you know you’ll be getting the real deal. They also have the largest inventory of shirts, pants, boots and gear around.…
Terminators Coming Soon to Your TV
Finally, FOX has set a premiere date for The Sarah Connor Chronicles. It will premiere on January 14th, 2008. I have been jonesing for this since I first heard about it. The have since changed the name to include TERMINATOR [unlike Paramount when they first brought us Enterprise. What were they thinking leaving out the…
Parking in NY City is a Real Bitch
If you have ever been to New York City you know that getting around the city can be a big pain. If you have your own car then not only do you have to deal with the traffic but with parking as well. And that is a real bitch. So you found a spot or…
Where’s the Value in that Meal?
Value meals are known for their low costs and smaller quantities. The one restaurant that seemed to still give you a decent sized burger for your dollar was McDonald’s. Not any more. I ordered a double cheeseburger the other day and took six big bites before I ever hit meat. I pulled the bun off…
Denny Crane At It Again…
Another great Denny Crane quote tonight. And I quote… “Hope springs a kernel . . . It’s an old farmer’s saying.” 🙂 Mad Cow you know.  I just love Boston Legal. It is a great show.
Got Batteries To Go With That Gift?
Christmas time is coming and now is the time for getting all your gifts. If you are like me your list is comprised mostly of electronic items. Well, electronics require power and usually more power than the manufacturer gives us. Laptops are a number one gift but most only come with a two-hour battery. Not…
FEARnet Sucks Part II
Like all good horror flicks this post has a sequel too. I have been getting hits from people searching on how to access FEARnet on demand. And you know what that is a good question. When they first announced the “channel†on Comcast I was excited but I too had trouble figuring it all out.…
Looking for Something to do in Warmer Climes
The weather is getting cooler up north and my thoughts start to turn toward a trip down south. One place I recently found out about is St. Augustine Ponte Vedra in Florida. It is located just south of Jacksonville along the east coast of Florida. One of the things that caught my eye, besides all…
Don’t Invite Me For a Meal
Even when I have nothing to do with the ordering and delivering processes I can still ruin a good meal. All I was going to do was eat it. I was at a friend’s house for a Halloween party last night and the pizza was being delivered as I got there. Perhaps that is all…
Freebies in the US Mail
I just love getting free stuff in the mail. I had signed up for the Diamond Select Toys newsletter quite a while ago and haven’t bought from them in about a year, but this morning I got a little package in the mail from them. It contained two single minimates. One was from their The…
The Restaurant Black Cloud Continues to Hover Over Me
The restaurant issues continue. This time we are back to Applebees, but a different one than before. This time it was a take out order for all of us at work. We have ordered from them before and have had problems from them before as well. This time they let us order something that was…
Pay Me to Post Please!
I first stumbled on PayPerPost about six months ago. At the time I had a new blog without a lot of posts. But I felt payperpost was a great opportunity not just to make money but also to help my blog grow so I worked really hard to get accepted into their program. It wasn’t…
Got any movie recommendations?