whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.
Futurama Returns in 2008
I absolutely love Futurama and was pleased as punch to see that they would be returning. But there is still a lot of confusion around this return. Billy West [he does the voice of Fry] posted on his site that the entire cast would be returning to do a straight to DVD movie. Which would…
Email from the Future
Recent rounds of SPAM coming into my in box all seem to originate in the future dating any where from 2026 to 2038. Guess I don’t have to bother reading them for another 31 years!
Got Domain? Now Get Hosting?
Okay, so you’ve gotten the domain name you wanted from GoDaddy.com and you are ready to jump right in and get a site set up. Your next step then is finding a good hosting service. I recommend PowWeb.com. GoDaddy.com offers several different levels of hosting as well, but your best bet to get the most…
Take the First Step To Starting a Website by Getting a Domain Name
Wanna start a website? First, you’ll need a domain. Yeah, some hosting companies do offer a one year free domain with hosting like PowWeb.com [my choice for hosting], but you don’t always have the best control over the domains. Choose the domain name that is right for you and then come up with a few…
What Did You Say? Dumbledore is Gay
Rowlings outed Dumbledore this weekend at a question and answer session at Carnegie Hall in New York. A kid asked her if Dumbledore ever loved anyone, her reply was “Dumbledore is gay, actuallyâ€. Personally, I think it was brave of her to make such a statement and to stick by it. According to ABCNews.com, she…
Howdy Partner!
I really, really hate the term partner when referring to an intimate relationship. When I hear the term I actually cringe. Partner just brings to mind business partners, tennis partners and cowboys. I watch a lot of BBC America and I hear the term frequently, usually when referring to a straight person’s other half. I…
Bumper Stickers: Good Ways to Get Your Ass Kicked
I have had a few controversial bumper stickers in my time which have caused me to have me and my car attacked, both physically and verbally. Nuke the Gay Whales for Jesus. Well that one is just funny no matter who you are, unless of course you are a right wing zealot or overly sensitive…
Tornado Dreams Kept Me Twisting and Turning
Once again my dreams come to haunt me. This time I am being chased by the weather. Tornadoes to be exact. They are getting closer and closer and there is no getting away from them. Dream analysis would say I feel trapped by my personal or professional life. Could be true. Or it could just…
Cannibal Dreams
I don’t usually dream, at least not that I remember. But last night’s was a real winner. When I do remember my dreams they are often of the same city. This is not a city I have ever actually been in. It is either total fantasy or something from a past life experience. If the…
Superman Doomsday DVD
I just finished watching the new DC Comics DVD Superman vs Doomsday. It was taken from the death of Superman stories, but turns out a bit different than the books. I do like the animation. It is a little like the Marvel animated movies before it. But I have two major complaints. First, the high…
One-Stop Shop for Coupons and Deals
If you plan on shopping online you should head to CouponChief.com first. No matter what you are looking for you’re bound to find a coupon for it at the Coupon Chief site. It really is your one stop shop for deals, coupons and discounts across the web. A simple search here could save you a…
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Reprise
I already brought up that it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month with my post about the Pink Breast Cancer Loofa Dog toy. But I just wanted to touch on this very important subject yet again with just a couple of things. First, 1800-FREE411 will donate $1 for each new call. So go ahead and dial…
Got any movie recommendations?