whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.

  • New Dew is Spew

    I picked up a case of the new Mountain Dew flavor Game Fuel over the weekend before having tried it. Big mistake! I liked all the other flavors to date, except the energy drinks. The Orange, Cherry and even Grape were all good, but this one is just not right. It comes in a Halo…

  • More Creative Ways of Making Money Off Your Blog

    This is part two of my article on making money from your blog or website. In the first part we focused on writing. And not everyone likes to write or wants to write. For these people their are alternatives to the standard blog. You can try your hand at video blogs. Tape yourself and your…

  • Make Money With Your Site or Blog

    People don’t realize they can make money [or at least try] with their personal sites and blogs. First step is to sign up for quality affiliate programs with companies like Commission Junction, but don’t stop there you’ll find almost any store has an affiliate program if you look hard enough. But CJ.com is a great…

  • LEGO® Indiana Jones: The Videogame

    If Family Adventure Has a Name, It Must Be LEGO® Indiana Jones: The Videogame LucasArts and TT Games Don Their Fedoras for the Next Great LEGO Gaming Experience SAN DIEGO, Calif. — July 27, 2007 — LucasArts and TT Games today announced that LEGO® Indiana Jones®: The Videogame [working title] will whip onto game consoles…

  • Flash Aaaahhh!

    New Flash Gordon series debuts this Friday [August 10th] at 9 on the SCIFI Channel. It is a 90 minute premiere so set your tivo accordingly. Oh and by the way, it is supposed to be a bit on the cheesy side. So take it with a grain of salt so to speak.

  • Ralph McQuarrie R2-D2 / C-3PO in Da House

    I order these puppies last week and they arrived today. These were apparently only available [or originally available] at the Star Wars Celebration IV. If you are familiar with the concept artwork by Ralph McQuarrie for the original Star Wars [A New Hope] then these will look familiar otherwise they look very wrong.  The figures…

  • Dateline’s iPod “Theft” Story

    Dateline did a story on stolen iPods. Problem I am seeing is the iPods in their investigation are not stolen. They were found. There is a difference. If they were taken out of the car or a person’s handbag then they are stolen. But if you place it on a bench and walk away and…

  • Day from Heck

    I knew it wasn’t going to be a very good day when I got up this morning. Guess I am still feeling the affects of the full moon on Monday. My car’s odometer was 66601. I passed 3 trucks hauling burial vaults on my morning commute. Then everything at work seemed to go awry. Slow…

  • Stan Lee Action Figure Update

    Hasbro has come through. Now all I have to do is head over to their site and actually place an order for my very own Stan [the man] Lee Action figure. He can also turn into Spider-man and save the day. 🙂

  • SDCC Exclusives Part Deux

    I should really read my toy magazines when I get them. Just saw in both Toyfare and Toy Shop magazines that Hasbro has an exclusive Stan Lee action figure.  Oh will I never learn! I gots to get me one of those! On a more positive note I heard from someone that they picked up…

  • Simpsons Fun

    I was over at the Simpsons Movie website playing around and got to create my own Simpsons character! UPDATE: Sadly they removed all the cool content and along with it my Simpsons character (next time screen caps). Heck they have removed all movie content from the domain.

  • Dark Horse Is Getting Creepy . . . and Eerie

    The magazines that gave a whole generation the shivers are back. Creepy and Eerie were the definitive horror and sci-fi comics of the 1960s and flourished up until the early 1980s. Dark Horse Comics has entered into an agreement with New Comic Company to create archive editions of this classic material, as well as launch…

Got any movie recommendations?