whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.
Summer TV Hell
Reality TV just sucks big time. And guess what we get a big dose of starting this month? A bunch of reality TV show crap that’s what. It is the same old same old with a few new ones thrown in for good measure. But in amongst all that reality crap and it is crap…
Pirates 3
Went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End. [At our usual time. The first showing of the day on Saturday morning. We will never see a film at night again the local audiences are too disrespectful of the other film patrons.] It was pretty good. The first two are better but this really ties…
Bionic Woman Returns to TV
I absolutely loved The Bionic Woman in the seventies. When I heard that there was going to be a new series on NBC this Fall I got pretty excited. At first. Then I thought back to the Jamie Sommers I knew and loved. How can they remake her? [I know they have the technology they…
Spending the Day Knee Deep in Lego
I am working on a big [big for me] LEGO project. I have purchased the instructions for some really cool Star Trek sets from BaronSat. And these will be really cool once I get all the pieces and can start building. I spent all day saturday digging through my lego pieces and got maybe 50%…
DC Comics 52
52 is over. We got a great story over the course of the year and some really good characters stepping up to fill the shoes of the big guns. I for one hope to see many of theses characters again and really, really hope DC will see fit to give Batwoman [in the 52 she’s…
OSCommerce Issues
I have been trying to fiddle with OScommerce for a website and while it is working and all that. It is just plain ugly. And changing the overall look is not all that easy. Yes, you can change the very basics quickly but we wanted a whole new look and without paying an arm and…
Poor Little Rich Girl
Paris Hilton is finally getting what she deserves. Not that she thinks so. In fact she has tried everything she can [except bribe the judge] to get out of it. But why should she get out of it that easily? Any one of us normal folks would get a huge fine, longer jail time, no…
Free Comic Book Day Not So Free
Isn’t Free Comic Book Day about free comics? And getting the comics to the kids? Get them hooked so they buy more comics? Then why, oh why, were the two shops I visited on Saturday May 5th only giving away one free comic then charging for any others you picked up? Granted the one shop…
Star Trek: The Mego Movie
What a great way to play with your toys!
Turkey Hill Sucks
First, they discontinue my favorite ice tea, oolong leaving me and the rest of the world with that crappy blueberry oolong. If you are going to continue to make oolong to add the over powering blueberry flavor to it why not still make the good plain oolong? It is SO much better than that stuff…
Will we see the rest of the season?
I just heard that Lifetime has only picked up the first 13 episodes of Blood Ties. And if the ratings are good enough that maybe we will get to see the rest of the series. Â I am just getting into this series [and getting used to actually watching something on Lifetime TV] and really would…
Oh my goddess…
Okay, I cannot believe I am the one to figure this out. Usually I am the last one to place a face or know an actor that looks familiar, but this time I got this one first. I have been watching Blood Ties [Sundays @ 10 on Lifetime] and for the life of me I…
Got any movie recommendations?