whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.

  • Actions Figures Are Alive and Well

    I have been hearing that action figures are dead. That kids don’t play with them any more. All they want are video games and collectible card games. Well that’s just not true. Spend a day with a kid at Grandma’s house [no video games] and give him a figure or two to play with. Guess…

  • Don’t Play With Your Food

    Especially if it is the Edible Marvel Action Figures from Dynatech. These things appear to be a good idea when you first read about them…build an action figure with candy pieces. Play with it then eat it.  Well, they did not make the candy hard enough so it melts in the package causing a gooey…

  • Piano Playing Cat

    Okay, if you have not seen this yet you either do not hang on the web enough or you have never heard of YouTube.  This video has been featured on the news, on MSN’s main page, and of course youtube.com. So head over to YouTube.com and search for:  CAT PLAYING PIANO. Nora the amazing kitty…

  • America What Are You Thinking?

    I am not an American Idol fan [no real news there], but every once in a while I am forced to view a portion of the show. You know when they decide to run over so House [now that’s real entertainment] is 10 minutes late I get stuck seeing some of the crap. All I…

  • Vertigo Makes Complete First Issue Classics Available for Free

    Now you can read the full first issues of the many Vertigo series that revolutionized comics! Head over to DC/Vertigo to download PDF files of the first issues and start reading. I can guarantee you’ll get hooked on at least one story and have to buy the trade paperback or find all the back issues…

  • Acceptable TV

    A new series on VH1 produced by funny man Jack Black has a companion website Acceptible.TV where you can watch video episodes and vote for which series will continue. I it a little like American Idol for the little tv series. Some of the series are better left unviewed. But here is a little example…

  • Blood Ties

    I first heard of this during a commercial while my roomate was watching Golden Girls reruns one day. I don’t normally watch Lifetime but had to take a look into a series with Vampires and other occult themes on this “woman’s” channel. My Mom even called to tell me it was coming on [she knows…

  • Page Rankings

    So you have a great website but your page rankings are still low. The best way to increase those rankings is to increase links back to your website. One of the more valuable resources you will find in this endeavor is the niche directory. Take LondonAdervistingDirectory.com. This is small but growing portal to all things…

  • Web Tips from a Slacker

    While I do not claim to be an expert on anything, I do know one or two things that might just help someone else out. So I will post those little bits of knowledge here in hopes they will find the right people.

  • Sulu is Gay so What?

    I am not exactly sure what the he** this guy mean by “switch roles”. Trekkies [the fans] are not going to turn around and hate him because he is gay. And certainly no one is switching teams because he is gay. Care to explain yourself a little better?

  • Sulu Dance

    Why am I just now learning of this Sulu Dance?

  • Can’t Use Google? Then Get Off My Internet!

    Anyone who cannot use Google shoul dnot be allowed to use the internet! The store I work in gets calls all the time thinking we are the manufacturer of this item or that item. Yes we come up on Google because we sell the item you are researching. If you go to the URL and…

Got any movie recommendations?