whataslacker: a blog about nothing much.
Dag Nabbit!
Turkey Hill has discontinued making my ALL time favorite tea. Oolong tea is no more! Â I emailed them to ask why?!? But they had no other real answer than tough luck. Yet they are keeping the horrid blueberry flavor of the same tea! Go figure. If they are still making the tea to add the…
If It Is a Full Moon Stay Out of The Store!
I have been in retail for more than 30 years now and EVERY full moon the wackos come out of the woodwork! It really is true that the moon affects people. We get some of the strangest calls and customers during the week prior to a few days after each full moon. Please people if…
What A Slacker! Part 2
This blog will be about anything I set my mind to write on. So beware. If you need more information on me check out www.whataslacker.com or www.scifislacker.com these are a few of my sites. WhataSlacker.com is my photography and other interests while ScifiSlacker.com is all sci-fi, ’cause I am a big ole geek! I also…
What A Slacker!
This is where I will put down my stupid little thoughts on every day boring stuff. Heck what did you expect from a slacker!
Got any movie recommendations?