The fine and rather sarcastic folks over at must have been hungover when they reviewed the Spock action figure on their site.
Take a look at the picture to the right. As you can see they are clearly talking about the NEW Spock action figures from Playmates Toys, but are comparing it to Leonard Nimoy as Spock. So of course the photo of the actual person isn’t going to look ANYTHING like the action figure and vice versa.
Perhaps as a pop culture site they are so out of touch with reality that they don’t really know what is going on in the world of pop culture any more? Have they had their collective heads in the sand for the past year? Do they not know that their is a NEW Star Trek movie with a whole new cast? Spock is now played by Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes).
Now with that new knowledge people, try your little review again. Your two main complaints about the figure seem a perfect match when compared to the correct actor.
I would say the toy is pretty close, not dead on, but pretty dang close to Quinto (but certainly not Nimoy). And I’m the slacker here 🙂
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