Star Wars is getting a FatHead [so to speak]

It is the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars and everything seems to be turning into something from a galaxy far, far away. Take a look at the US post office for one. R2D2 mailboxes have been popping up in cities all over the country.

Darth Vader Wall GraphicAnd now FatHead is bringing us some great Star Wars wall graphics. Yeah, you know them from all the football guys they had done in the past. But thank god they have dipped their toes into the scifi world too.

If only we can get them to do some ships. Would they not look great on a wall of ceiling?! I would prefer some Star Trek over Star Wars but we won’t get into that since the SW license is so HOT right now and well Trek is not so hot.

Right now they have:

All they need are those ships!



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