Category: Everything in Between

  • Bad Dogs Shouldn’t Be Put Down Give Em a Job

    Mean dogs are given a second chance at life in Idaho. According to the Associated Press dogs that are too mean to be pets are now patrolling prison grounds. It is good to hear that dogs that would normally be put down because they are un-adoptable are finding a home in the prison system there.…

  • Target Pharmacy Closed in Middle of Day

    Target pharmacy has pissed me off. These days that is real easy to do (not that it isn’t pretty easy any old time, just more so now). Target no longer calls their customers — well, customers. They call them guests instead. I think it is to foster a better image, but it doesn’t work. All…

  • RAID Doesn’t Kill Just Bugs; Keep Away From Cats

    Wired magazine had an article a little while back that caught my eye, it was titled “Kills Bugs Dead, And Cats Too.” The article tells us what’s inside RAID. If you are a cat owner like me, you will be removing this dangerous substance from your home. I absolutely hate spiders and relied on RAID…

  • The Magneticat – Boris Gets a New Toy

    Boris got a new toy the other day and he LOVES it! It is called the MAGNETICAT (get it magnetic cat — LOL). It has a magnet in the toy and magnets in the base so when the toy moves it keeps going for a little while to tease your cat back to it for…

  • Violent Video Games: To Ban or Not To Ban

    I was just over at (trying to sign up for a product test) when I stumbled onto their blog post about this video game that even I think is rather disgusting (coming from me that means a lot). Mind you, I am not one for censorship, but this game pushes the envelope (even my…

  • I Want It Wednesday: Complete Control of MY Facebook Content

    Last month (Feb 4th) Facebook changed their terms of service to state that users content would be stored, not unlike email, and, here’s the kicker, that Facebook had rights to your content. So by uploading images, videos, stories etc you were giving Facebook rights to use your content in any way they saw fit. If…

  • Stupid Laws: Shovel Snow Off The Grass

    Our friends Gary and Faith were fined because they did not shovel their grass! Can you believe that? When I first heard about this from my friend Scott I thought it was the stupidest thing in the entire world then I saw the news tonight and I changed my position. Now I think the mayor…

  • I Hate Browser Incompatibility

    It started out earlier today when my IE6 (I haven’t moved to 7 at work yet as I hate it at home so I tried to keep work from being faced with the same idiotic browsing issues I have here at home) when I got this weird error that the site I was working on…

  • I Want It Wednesday: weRobot T-Shirt

    So often my “Want It” posts are for things that are completely out of reach for me, but today’s post is something I will be getting. After viewing Monday’s Big Bang Theory I had to go on a search for the t-shirt that Sheldon was wearing. My search brought me to a cool website (Chop…

  • Happy Groundhogs Day or not

    That darned rodent saw his shadow so we are stuck with 6 more weeks of winter. I know it is six weeks no matter what, but it just sounds nicer to hear 6 weeks until spring. It just warms me up inside. Winter just makes me cold all over. Even the thought of it does.…

  • I Want It Wednesday: A Pen That Writes Anywhere

    Remember the Fisher Space pen and how cool it was to be able to write anywhere even upside down? I found another pen that is just as cool, maybe even cooler. (If that’s possible since the Fisher Space pen did do a licensed Star Trek pen back in the day, I have one in my…

  • Merry Christmas One and All

    I talked about my Lego trains in my post yesterday, but I did not share them with you. While I was setting up the tree and trains I had a little help as you’ll see by this photo. Remember the scene in Harry Potter where Hogwarts was attacked by the giant dragon? Me either but…