Category: Rants

  • Target Pharmacy Closed in Middle of Day

    Target pharmacy has pissed me off. These days that is real easy to do (not that it isn’t pretty easy any old time, just more so now). Target no longer calls their customers — well, customers. They call them guests instead. I think it is to foster a better image, but it doesn’t work. All…

  • RAID Doesn’t Kill Just Bugs; Keep Away From Cats

    Wired magazine had an article a little while back that caught my eye, it was titled “Kills Bugs Dead, And Cats Too.” The article tells us what’s inside RAID. If you are a cat owner like me, you will be removing this dangerous substance from your home. I absolutely hate spiders and relied on RAID…

  • Violent Video Games: To Ban or Not To Ban

    I was just over at (trying to sign up for a product test) when I stumbled onto their blog post about this video game that even I think is rather disgusting (coming from me that means a lot). Mind you, I am not one for censorship, but this game pushes the envelope (even my…

  • I Want It Wednesday: Complete Control of MY Facebook Content

    Last month (Feb 4th) Facebook changed their terms of service to state that users content would be stored, not unlike email, and, here’s the kicker, that Facebook had rights to your content. So by uploading images, videos, stories etc you were giving Facebook rights to use your content in any way they saw fit. If…

  • Stupid Laws: Shovel Snow Off The Grass

    Our friends Gary and Faith were fined because they did not shovel their grass! Can you believe that? When I first heard about this from my friend Scott I thought it was the stupidest thing in the entire world then I saw the news tonight and I changed my position. Now I think the mayor…

  • I Hate Browser Incompatibility

    It started out earlier today when my IE6 (I haven’t moved to 7 at work yet as I hate it at home so I tried to keep work from being faced with the same idiotic browsing issues I have here at home) when I got this weird error that the site I was working on…

  • I Want It Wednesday: More Time

    I need more time in the day. I just cannot seem to get anything done these days. I with the holidays coming fast my time seems to be even shorter. And god forbid I want to take a little time out for myself. It just is not going to happen. I don’t even want to…

  • The InHumane Society

    A few weeks ago I helped raise money for the Berks Humane Society by participating in their Walk-tober fest. I personally was able to raise $105 (not bad since I had only decided to do the walk the week before the event). However, I am now having second thoughts. Other than all of their fundraising…

  • Stupid PA Laws

    Apparently Pennsylvania is trying to pass a new law that will have truckers up in arms and I am right there with them. The new laws say that no large vehicle will be able to sit and idle for more than five minutes at a time. WTF? Running the engine is the only way for…

  • Getting My Undies in a Bunch

    The following is a complaint about the current state of my underwear. No it is not old and ratty look rather the opposite as I just bought them. I always buy Hanes underwear, Hanes hi-cut briefs to be exact. (I know TMI.) Over the past few years I have only bought their sporty briefs. They…

  • Stop PA Puppy Mills

    You may have seen Pennsylvania on the national news (I am pretty sure Dateline, Oprah or one of the other big news magazine shows did an expose on our dirty little secret – puppy mills). PA along with other states with large Amish populations have a great number of them running a new cash crop.…

  • Bitching About Soy In Every Thing

    Trying to live a soy free life is proving harder than one would think. Soy is one of the nine top recognized allergens. So why is it being used in everything? We stopped peanuts in schools and California makes laws against restaurants using Trans fats, but no one seems to care that we are basically…