Category: Odd Stuff

  • Halloween Nerds

    I mean the Nerds candy not the geeky guys knocking on the door. Wonka Nerds have four Halloween candies each in its own test tube topped with a scary monster. The Mummy Makeover is filled with white Nerds, which are fruit punch flavored, but taste a lot like Smarties (remember Smarties?). Then there’s Werewolf Morph…

  • Haunted Bird Feeder v1.3

    Well, I think the ole haunted bird feeder is finally complete (mostly). I have a few finishing touches still, but for all intents and purposes it is pretty much done at this point. I addedd the mini strobe to the interior that I had talk about in a previous post and added a bunch of…

  • Arrr Talk Like A Pirate Today or Walk The Plank

    Well blow me down, apparently today is the official International Talk Like a Pirate Day. This little known holiday started all the way back in 1995 while a group of guys were playing racquetball and one of the yelled out in pain “Arrrr!” Personally, I did not become aware of this holiday until someone at…

  • Another Bomb Scare in West Chester

    Folks in West Chester are still a little jumpy after the bomb scare yesterday. Apparently another suspicious bag was found near a park bench today. Turned out to be a bag of clothing, but you never know. Better safe than sorry right? Makes me a little leery of shopping at Radio Shack. Just yesterday I…

  • Haunted Bird Feeder V1.1

    A little while ago I shared a post about a little Halloween project I had been working on. I had customized a haunted bird feeder. I am still tweeking it a little bit. One thing that I still need to do is to add some UV LEDs one the outside of the house to make…

  • You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

    Okay, I have been accused of making stuff up in the past so I thought I would post some proof. As if my pictures weren’t proof enough my labor day picnic fun made it to the front page of the paper. Minivan plows through back wall of Reading duplex; none hurt By Greta Cuyler of…

  • All Shook Up and Nowhere to Go But The Kitchen

    OMG! I was sitting in my living room watching the Star Trek: The Next Generation marathon on the SCIFI Channel and working on my website (no longer have that domain) when all of the sudden there was this loud crash followed by several very loud bangs. The whole house shook. I got so scared I…

  • Star Trek Does the Time Warp

    Fans of Rocky Horror will love the music and fans of Star Trek will like the cleverly edited video clips. So get off your butts and do the time warp again!

  • Big Kitty – Is This Picture A Fake

    I was poking around over at and I came across this post about a big pussy (of course they wanted to get all the folks with their minds in the gutter to click thu to the post). When I got there and saw this picture my immediate thought was that it had to be…

  • Bigfoot Found – Real or Hoax

    Well, I have been out of the loop a bit on my cryptozoology circles. I did not even hear that a Bigfoot body was found until my sister told me about it yesterday. I tend to stay away from watching news and reading papers. Most of what I hear is from online news sources and…

  • Teleporter Not Working

    If the film The Fly wasn’t proof enough here is another good example why a teleporter will never work. (Besides that whole scanning-you-in-one-place-rebuilding-you-in-another-then-vaporizing-the-original-you thing.) more cat pictures

  • Monty Python Star Trek

    Knights of the round table like you have never seen them before. (Okay, so like me you probably have seen this already, but it is worth another look.) Just like Camelot this video is a silly place and apparently so is space 🙂