Category: Steampunk

  • Cool Design a Steampunk Cylon Contest

    I just found a way cool steampunk contest over at Dvice (part of SCIFI channel). Design a steampunk cylon and you can win Battlestar Galactica goodies. Here are some of the details… “STEAMPUNK CYLON” CONTEST Cylon Background: The Cylons were created by the people of the Twelve Colonies. Intelligent robots, they were used as slaves…

  • Cool Steampunk Skeleton T-shirt

     This is one of the coolest skeleton tees I have seen in a long time (and I love the glow in the dark ones). This one is just so unique. Want to know what makes a clockwork man tick? You’ll see it with this cool shirt. Available now at your local ThinqueGeek Merchantile. ThinkGeeks ubergeek…

  • Steampunk Angel T-shirt

    For those of us looking for a really unique steampunk costume for Halloween, but do not have the funds to buy all that fancy Victorian clothing ThinkGeek has come up with a few simple solutions for us. First up is the steampunk angel tee with glorious clockwork wings on the back (which can later be…

  • Steampunk Walking Stick

    I ran across this pretty cool steampunk walking stick on Hammacher Schlemmer today. It is pretty cool looking even when closed. When this brass and wood staff is opened it is a working telescope. Sweet. Here’s the description from their site: Recalling the canes favored among Victorian gentleman to compliment proper attire, the walking stick has…

  • Steampunk Art Tunnels Into New York

    The Telectroscope is an art project on a transatlantic scale. This huge interactive piece will be up in New York and London now through June 15th. Shame that it will only be available for such a short time, something this amazing should be in place all year long. The artist’s site tells us that “more…

  • Steampunk Star Wars Figures

    I have always been a fan of the folks who can make custom action figures especially when they are such high quality as those over at Sillof’s Workshop. But these are no ordinary custom figures. What do I mean by ordinary? I guess to clarify; I would say in this case ordinary means creating figures…

  • SteamPunk Makes Headlines

    I have been on a bit of a Steampunk kick of late and in had manifested itself in one of my recent posts about a way cool Victorian home turned museum in Texas. Prior to that my interest had been merely in stumbling on some really cool sites of people who are really into Steampunk…

  • Indiana Jones Lego Sets Keep On Coming

    May 1st brought a slew more Indian Jones LEGO sets.  We already had the The Temple Escape ($60),  Race for the Stolen Treasure ($30),  The Lost Tomb($20) and the Motorcycle Chase ($10).  the only one of those three I still need to get is the Race for the Stolen Treasure set and I might have…

  • Steampunk House That Is A Must See

    Texas is a big state with lots of things to do. I am not sure one visit would be enough. I luckily have friends who live in different areas of the state so I should be able to plan several trips to get the most out of the state especially when it comes to making…