Category: Writing

  • Few Simple Pros and Cons on

    I have been a member of SocialSpark for two weeks now and I see many possibilities and a few drawbacks. Of course the biggest plus is the chance to make money from your blog posts. That’s a no brainer. It’s really all about the networking; making connections. Increase your link popularity by taking the blog…

  • Just Tell Me Why This Site Is So Addictive

    I just found a fun site where you can post your point of view on many topics in a very unique way. Just Tell Me Why offers up dichotomies to be solved by the general public (that’s me and you). There are lots of hot topics to choose from entertainment to politics. Stop by…

  • The Doggy Doo Dilemma

    Doggy poop is a huge problem, especially if you live next to my neighbors who do not pick up the poop out of their yard. It is horrible walking out to the car past that crap. I do not look forward to the summer months, not one bit. I was a good neighbor and instead…

  • What Are You Watching?

    Fellow blogger AlyCat posted a question asking what movies you watched over and over while growing up that wore out your VCR. Good question. Unfortunately, being a child of the seventies we did not have a VCR. In fact we did not have a VCR until I was almost out of High School and then…

  • Let SocialSpark Spark Your Imagination

    I signed up for this new service called SocialSpark about a week ago. To some degree it is a cross between MySpace and PayPerPost. You get to meet up with merchants and other bloggers on a more personal level. Signing up is easy and free. Just know you either have to be using FireFox or…

  • Roxiticus Best Blogs: A Blog About Blogs

    In the vast blogosphere it is easy to get lost. Sometimes you just need a helpful friend to point you in the right direction. Or at the very least help suggest some good places to start. A really good jumping off place is Roxiticus Best Blogs. This is pretty much a blog about blogs and…

  • Self Publish and Get Your Book Out There

    Self-publishing seems to be all the rage these days and I can see why. It is a great way to get your books, stories and ideas in front of people. Get yourself recognized and possibly picked up by a larger publishing company. My cousin is a children’s book author and she has an agent and…

  • Four Minutes with Rosie

    Some how I wound up on Rosie O’Donnell’s website last night which reminded me about her blog. Why reminded me? For some unknown reason I was watching some celebrity expose (I never watch biographies let alone tabloid TV so I am not quite sure why I was watching that show), any who, she said something…

  • April Fools Day

    Well another April Fools Day has come and gone without anything significant happening to me. I never pull anything off myself, but I usually get hit. Or the very least someone tries something. I don’t watch the news or read the paper [not even a blog on a daily basis] so I was in the…

  • Lost My Shit by Liz Martelli

    I lost my shit tonight On the floor in the middle of the Pleasantville Inn I woke up in the hands of strangers Worried and concerned And they didn’t even know me. Compassion transcends this awkward Situation, I guess. Me, regaining consciousness, Cracking jokes flat on my back Amber, terrified, whiter than A bottle of…

  • By Any Other Name by Liz Martelli

    By any other name, I’d still be a writer It’s in my heart, my blood, my fingers Nouns and adjectives, metaphors And similes pound through my veins. The way some kids get math, I get writing The way some cats can pick up a guitar And just know what to do, I can wield a…

  • Untitled by Liz Martelli

    You never learn to be a good person You either are or you aren’t Always born with an old soul, Recycled and wise, Able to detect the same in others, We are a rare breed Prone to mental, emotional strife Prone to feeling too deeply, Drowning in it You can’t let it overwhelm you, This…