Tag: Cats

  • LOL Cats

    Whether you love the or hate them there is no avoiding the LOL Cats and there fuzzy friends over at ICanHasCheezburger.com. while the photos often speak for themselves so do the cats (and in a very strange LOL language to boot). Here are some recent fun ones…. more cat pictures more cat pictures You can…

  • Haunted Bird Feeder v2

    My Mom just loved my original haunted bird feeder and requested one of her own. I hadn’t really thought I would ever make another one, but heck it is Mom afterall. She wanted a smaller version. Something she could sit on her window sill then she added two story. So I picked up a Pet…

  • Haunted Birder Feeder v1

    I had this pretty nice bird feeder (it is a Colonial Bird Feeder from Pet Zone), but the one window was broken out so the bird feed would not stay in the feeder. I thought, “what do you do with a broken window”. You board it up. So I set to work. First, I repaired…

  • Pet Food Fest Being Held in Exton, PA

    Are you looking for something to do on June 14th? Want to win a years supply of pet food? Head to the Pet Food Festival being held by ShopByBreed on the 14th for your chance to win either a years supply of dog food or a years supply of cat food. Besides this awesome chance…

  • Hello Kitty

    Fellow cat lover over at Pantherkut.com has loads of interesting stuff on his site. The information ranges from house cat tips to big cat classifications. If it is about felines PanthurKut will eventually hit upon it. But I have to admit that my guilty please over at PanthurKut is the fat cats section. One of the…

  • The Litter Box Wars: Littermaid vs SmartScoop

    Littermaid vs SmartScoop – it is the self-scooping litter box wars I’m talking about not a review of the expensive cat boxes. (But if you want my opinion the SmartScoop wins the review hands down so lets hope they win the legal battle too.) For a quick run down OurPets, a company that makes great…

  • Schrodinger’s Cat is Dead or Is It

    Okay, my limited physics classes did not teach me about Schrodinger’s Cat, or if it did I did not retain the information. Oddly enough two different TV shows this evening seemed to think the average Joe would know just who Schrodinger was and what was so god awful important about his cat. In quantum mechanics…

  • Surpisingly Good Morning After A Hellish Day

    As you can see I am up and posting this morning. This is a good thing trust me. In the past when I would get as upset as I did yesterday I would not have felt like doing anything for days. I would have spiraled down into a pit of depression so deep I would…

  • Cats and Learned Behavior

    Not all cats are scardey cats. At least not when they start out. Our big boy Boris never was overly afraid of things like trucks driving by or even the vacuum cleaner running. He would just lie there looking around like he was saying, ‘what the heck?’ Yet he never got up to run and…

  • Pet Expo in Reading

    In March I went to the Pet Expo here in Reading. I know it took me long enough to write about it. It was very interesting and pretty much fun. I went with a friend of mine and her husband. We walked through the entire thing. It was huge. My favorite were the reptiles. Not that I…

  • Now My Cat Has Fleas Too

    So your kitty has put up with the combs, she’s put up with the shampooings, she’s even put up with the drops. Now it’s her turn for revenge on that little pest that’s bothered her so long. Get your kitty this adorable little plush flea catnip toy and watch her go crazy. The flea catnip…

  • Earth Day is Going to the Dogs (and Cats Too)

    Today is Earth Day and it’s going to the dogs. I have already written about my favorite eco-superhero Captain Planet and his trusty sidekicks the Planeteers the other day listing a few helpful things you can do every day to make our planet a better place to live. Today I want to write a little…