Tag: legal

  • Let’s Make More Stupid PA Traffic Laws

    Wonder if we could get Pennsylvania to pass a state law that prohibits trucks from driving in the left lane? I don’t know about you, but I am sick of driving along at the speed limit only to have to slow down to 45 or less because some stupid ass truck driver thought he had…

  • I Want It Wednesday: Complete Control of MY Facebook Content

    Last month (Feb 4th) Facebook changed their terms of service to state that users content would be stored, not unlike email, and, here’s the kicker, that Facebook had rights to your content. So by uploading images, videos, stories etc you were giving Facebook rights to use your content in any way they saw fit. If…

  • Stupid Laws: Shovel Snow Off The Grass

    Our friends Gary and Faith were fined because they did not shovel their grass! Can you believe that? When I first heard about this from my friend Scott I thought it was the stupidest thing in the entire world then I saw the news tonight and I changed my position. Now I think the mayor…

  • Stupid PA Laws

    Apparently Pennsylvania is trying to pass a new law that will have truckers up in arms and I am right there with them. The new laws say that no large vehicle will be able to sit and idle for more than five minutes at a time. WTF? Running the engine is the only way for…

  • The Litter Box Wars: Littermaid vs SmartScoop

    Littermaid vs SmartScoop – it is the self-scooping litter box wars I’m talking about not a review of the expensive cat boxes. (But if you want my opinion the SmartScoop wins the review hands down so lets hope they win the legal battle too.) For a quick run down OurPets, a company that makes great…

  • To Sue Or Not To Sue That Is The Question

    After my accident I had considered suing the person responsible for the crash. I spoke to a lawyer and he did not in still too much hope in me about my case. The one thing that scared me away from the lawsuit was the fact that it could take months to years to actually get…

  • Denny Crane At It Again…

    Another great Denny Crane quote tonight.  And I quote… “Hope springs a kernel . . . It’s an old farmer’s saying.”  🙂 Mad Cow you know.   I just love Boston Legal. It is a great show.

  • Dateline’s iPod “Theft” Story

    Dateline did a story on stolen iPods. Problem I am seeing is the iPods in their investigation are not stolen. They were found. There is a difference. If they were taken out of the car or a person’s handbag then they are stolen. But if you place it on a bench and walk away and…