Tag: Politics

  • Elysium: Entertainment or Pure Propaganda?

    Elysium: Entertainment or Pure Propaganda?

    Elysium: Entertainment or Pure Propaganda? (via http://worldnewscurator.com) Hollywood is often accused of being part of a ‘liberal media elite’, using its considerable power to promote a liberal political agenda. The idea of a liberal media bias is easy to understand – even if you don’t agree with it – when you’…

  • Mitt Romney’s Binder Full of Women

    I did not witness it in person, but apparently Mitt Romney made a comment about a “binder full or women” which has spread like wild wildfire across the internet. And will live forever as an internet meme. It has been a trending topic on Twitter for the last few days. #bindersfullofwomen with some funny stuff…

  • Poor Rick Santorum

    If you haven’t heard it before you will most likely hear about it shortly. Sen. Rick Santorum has a problem with Google (well not just Google but all the search engines really, but apparently he uses and blames Google the most). When you search for his name a nasty website tops the charts. This was…

  • Go Vote PA Primary is Today!

    I don’t care who you vote for this is not a political debate here. I just think every person in PA of voting age needs to get out there and make their voices known. If you are not a registered voter shame on you. I stopped in and gave them my two cents worth before…