Tag: TV

  • Battlestar Galactica is done for….

    Well the writing is on the wall for this great series. The powers that be have annouced that Battlestar Galactica will be ending with the fourth season which will be starting in November with a 2 hour episode but officially begins in early 2008. The shows creators think the story was heading to a climax…

  • Denny Crane Quote

    I finally watched the season finale of Boston Legal and William Shatners character Denny Crane is the greatest. I hate to say it but I think this is the Shatner’s best role ever. Quote from the finale that stuck in my head was…  “I once captained my own spaceship…[I’m] multi-talented. “

  • Summer TV Hell

    Reality TV just sucks big time. And guess what we get a big dose of starting this month? A bunch of reality TV show crap that’s what. It is the same old same old with a few new ones thrown in for good measure. But in amongst all that reality crap and it is crap…

  • Bionic Woman Returns to TV

    I absolutely loved The Bionic Woman in the seventies. When I heard that there was going to be a new series on NBC this Fall I got pretty excited. At first. Then I thought back to the Jamie Sommers I knew and loved. How can they remake her? [I know they have the technology they…

  • Poor Little Rich Girl

    Paris Hilton is finally getting what she deserves. Not that she thinks so. In fact she has tried everything she can [except bribe the judge] to get out of it. But why should she get out of it that easily? Any one of us normal folks would get a huge fine, longer jail time, no…

  • Will we see the rest of the season?

    I just heard that Lifetime has only picked up the first 13 episodes of Blood Ties. And if the ratings are good enough that maybe we will get to see the rest of the series.  I am just getting into this series [and getting used to actually watching something on Lifetime TV] and really would…

  • Oh my goddess…

    Okay, I cannot believe I am the one to figure this out. Usually I am the last one to place a face or know an actor that looks familiar, but this time I got this one first. I have been watching Blood Ties [Sundays @ 10 on Lifetime] and for the life of me I…

  • Acceptable TV

    A new series on VH1 produced by funny man Jack Black has a companion website Acceptible.TV where you can watch video episodes and vote for which series will continue. I it a little like American Idol for the little tv series. Some of the series are better left unviewed. But here is a little example…

  • Blood Ties

    I first heard of this during a commercial while my roomate was watching Golden Girls reruns one day. I don’t normally watch Lifetime but had to take a look into a series with Vampires and other occult themes on this “woman’s” channel. My Mom even called to tell me it was coming on [she knows…