Tag: websites

  • Starting a Business: Credit Card Processing

    It might seem like one of the scariest parts of starting an online business can be figuring out credit card processing and how to implement that into your online shopping cart. Just the costs alone can be frightening, but it does not need to be that way. Surprisingly online credit card processing is a very…

  • Phishing Attacks on Facebook and Twitter

    Facebook is the new playground for phishers. Why? The social networking site has made things relatively easy for computer criminals. So far, the consequences have been relatively mild — mostly, some annoying emails. But if facebook and other social networking sites don’t get a handle on security issues soon, a serious outbreak could occur. Behind…

  • I Want It Wednesday: Complete Control of MY Facebook Content

    Last month (Feb 4th) Facebook changed their terms of service to state that users content would be stored, not unlike email, and, here’s the kicker, that Facebook had rights to your content. So by uploading images, videos, stories etc you were giving Facebook rights to use your content in any way they saw fit. If…

  • I Hate Browser Incompatibility

    It started out earlier today when my IE6 (I haven’t moved to 7 at work yet as I hate it at home so I tried to keep work from being faced with the same idiotic browsing issues I have here at home) when I got this weird error that the site I was working on…