Tag: Women
Please Ban Newspapers In Public Places
We need to enact a ban of newspapers in public places. They are just too big and violate other personal spaces on buses, trains, planes, and even in waiting rooms. They just should not be allowed in crowded public areas. Sitting in a full waiting room I was constantly being nudged and annoyed by the…
Boris Helping Me Recuperate from the Accident
I promised pictures of Boris helping me with my recuperating process. I have several to post but wanted to show you a little video of him helping me with my breathing exercises. Now remember this is a cat who usually ignores humans that are sitting around. If you are standing or walking he will be…
Idiot Behind the Wheel on Hampden Blvd.
I was on my way to work this morning when an impatient jerk just couldn’t wait for me to pass before coming across the road. I was driving the speed limit maybe even a little faster, which is 35 mph on that part of the road, she would not have had to wait more than…
Got a Green Thumb? Got a Group? Check Out Project Orange Thumb
I already knew Fiskars made great scissors, but I did not know they also made gardening tools too. According to their website they are offering a grant to gardening groups to help with community beautification and education. The program is called Project Orange Thumb. (Get it? It is a cross between the company’s colors black…
DDR Will Have You Dance Dance Dancing Your Butt Off
Right before Christmas I called my sister from the middle of the Target store to ask her if she needed another string of purple xmas lights. She did not need the extra lights but sent me off to the video game aisle for my niece who was getting a Wii for Christmas and they wanted…
Just Say No To Stretch Pants
Why do clothing manufacturers feel that all overweight people must wear stretch pants? It is next to impossible to find jeans that do not include some kind of stretch material. Personally, I hate stretch jeans. They never fit right and if they are slightly tight in one area they stretch and pull down the pants…
Surgical Weight Loss Options
A few years ago my sister had gastric bypass surgery. Back then you did not hear too much about the Lap Band procedure and what you did hear wasn’t always good. She went through a very serious surgery for the sake of her health. Since then the Lap Band procedure has come a long way…
Money Troubles That’s The Life For Me, Not!
I am so screwed being out of work all this time from that damn accident. My boss told me she would pay me for my time off work, but also said she would only cover the part of my lost wages that insurance did not cover. This was very generous especially since we do not…
When Testing Hurts
I had my ultrasound on my legs today to make sure I do not have any blood clots. I pressured the doctor into allowing the test because I have been staying up too late watching Discovery Health and I got scared of DVTs or deep vein thrombosis. Let me tell you this is one of…
Went Back To Work Today
First day back at work. Okay so it was not a full days work but it was work. The commute alone was bad enough but then sitting there for four hours at the computer nearly killed me. The job is not hard it is computer work after all, but with my injuries my legs need…
PJ Bottoms Not A Good Fashion Choice
Why do people wear PJ bottoms out it public? Is it really that hard to put on a pair of jeans before leaving the house? This is an idiotic fashion statement, especially in the middle of winter. The thin flannel cannot be warm. Yeah they are comfy, but comfy for the home sitting around watch…
What’s the big deal?
Yesterday I posted about Jodie Foster possibly outing herself at the recent Women in Entertainment Breakfast. While this is important to me I don’t really seeing it as being big news. But it appears that it is. Just google it for yourself. You’ll get all the little blogs like mine but a lot of big…