MoviePass Rant

MoviePass has been making changes to their program since I first signed up a few months ago. Many just small and not an issue, but the last two have got me a little peeved.

First, you now have to waste time sending them photos of your ticket stubs. Not a huge issue, but the fact that my theater doesn’t have the best reception is. I always have to check in well before I hit the lobby or I am not able to check in.

Second, (this is the one that really gets me) you can only see a movie once. EVER. No repeat viewings of movies you like.

Supposedly this is all to stop fraud. Who is trying to fraud MoviePass? The theaters, maybe? Ok so I can see why we need to send them a photo of the stubs for that one.

But why can’t we see a movie more than once? In their eyes it is to get us to see different things. I’m not buying and I don’t like it. Seriously, the stuff out right now is utter crap or I have already seen it.

Up until this time I could have seen 30 movies in the theater in a single month, if I so chose. Now I can only see 1-6 movies a month (because this is the number of choices my local theaters offer in a month. This SUCKS big time. 

Hit up the MoviePass home page to see what they say about Any Theater. Any Movie. Any Day. (they need to change their sales pitch now).

MoviePass Sucks







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